Disneyland Main Street U.S.A. 3-D Plate - ID: octdisneyana18164

Disneyland Main Street U.S.A. 3-D Plate - ID: octdisneyana18164 Disneyana


Art Type:


Image Size: 
8.25" x 8.25" x 1"
Price: $150.00
SKU: octdisneyana18164

This is a souvenir plate with three dimensional imagery of Disneyland's Main Street. The tops of the buildings "pop-out" from the rest of the plate giving it a creative use of depth. The imagery depicts a beautiful sunset over Main Street, USA. A charming collectible from the earliest days of the park in the 1950s. The plate measures 8.25" x 8.25" x 1" and is in fine condition, with a few small chips along the edge of the plate.

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