Astro and the Space Mutts Jewlie Newstar Production Background - ID: janspacemutts2625

Astro and the Space Mutts Jewlie Newstar Production Background - ID: janspacemutts2625 Hanna Barbera
Image Size: 
10.5" x 13.5"
Price: $50.00
SKU: janspacemutts2625_

An original production background from the Hanna Barbera animated series, "Astro and the Space Mutts" (1981-1982). Featuring a fantastic image of a Space Museum, the hand-painted background was created at the studio and used during the animation process. The piece represents an actual frame of animation that was photographed and appears in the episode titled "Jewlie Newstar" which aired on November 7, 1981. Measuring 10.5"x13.5" overall, the background is in very good condition with a cel overlay stuck to the background.

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